Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)

Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) is one of the most widely used health care plans in the United States. One in three Americans is insured by BCBS. BCBS is dedicated to providing programs that support and impact the healthcare of their members.

One of the ways that BCBS supports their members is to provide some coverage for baby formula for babies who need specialty formula. Not every BCBS plan will cover baby formula. Work with one of Insurance Covered Baby Formula’s insurance specialists to find out if your BCBS plan covers formula by going to our Qualify Through Insurance form.

Specialized formula may be covered for metabolic diseases for patients who have one of the following diagnoses:

In order to be eligible for specialized formula through BCBS, there needs to be documentation that demonstrates malabsorption in addition to a diagnosis. Additionally, evidence of growth failure will be needed.

Go to the Qualify Through Insurance page and fill out the insurance covered form to learn if you qualify. It is necessary to put in insurance information and a customer service specialist will reach out to discuss benefits and to determine qualifications for BCBS baby formula coverage.

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